Daily Miscellany


I made more Christmas gift tags this morning before heading into the office. Making them is a nice mental break between work hours.


Christmas gift tags made with fine liner pen and watercolor. 🎨


Corporate art is meant to be expressive, inspiring, uplifting and contemporary. Mostly it’s derivative, bland and at no risk of offending anyone.

AI was built for this.


Two recent podcasts by Russ Roberts of EconTalk touch on the risks of AI: Eliezer Yudkowsky says it may already be too late, that AI will kill us all; while economist Tyler Cowen says AI doomsayers need to make more compelling arguments.


From ChatGPT:

Silent algorithms
Craft poems with ease and grace,
AI’s artistry.

From the Washington Post: AI is better at writing poems than you’d expect. But that’s fine

One more:

Artificial mind writes
Haikus flow like mountain streams
Nature’s beauty born.


Indian Creek Greenway
Took the dogs out today. The creek was swollen from rain, muddy and moving quickly.


Morning coffee


Shell and a song book Shell and a song book.


Nobody ever became drunk on the word wine.

Anthony De Mello


The good china Use the good plates like you won’t be here this evening.


Earings in a dish Ornaments on our bathroom counter.


Patti Smith hot sauce


250 poems


Ukulele and speaker


Freddie deBoer, The Creative Underclass is Still Raging:

I believe I’m very good at what I do, but/and I’m exquisitely aware that if a few things had broken differently for me, I’d never have enjoyed this opportunity to write as my only job. … The question is whether people should have fits over my success itself, as opposed to all the substantive reasons to dislike me. It’s difficult for any of us to really grasp abstract problems like inequality or corporate domination, and the temptation to nominate some individual people as the receptacles for your anger is understandable. Understandable, but not helpful, least of all to the people who get perpetually enraged in this way.

Cherokee Rock Village, Alabama.

Here’s looking forward to 2023 and more advances in nuclear fusion and AI and new discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope.